Monday 7 December 2009

What to include in your sketch book:
You need to ensure you have photos that represent the following.
Tick them off as you have done them:

1. Techniques, photograms, film slr, digital slr, pinhole photography
2. depth of field
3. aperture settings
4. use of lighting
5. shutter speed
6. night photography
7. colour
8. composition
9. black and white
10. contrast
11. portraiture
12. reportage
13. fine art
14. other artists work – your informed response to them. These responses may include one or more of the above techniques.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Ms. Casson I don't have your email address but here's a link to my photography blog that I've been updating with little bits of what I've been doing in case I don't see you in the near future
